Backpacking is a high-class adventure that cannot be done without going outdoors. If you have the urge to make the most of your camping trip then you should consider backpacking. It will give you a no-equipment feel as you will carry your life’s essential on your back to your destination without the help of a car. Although backpacking is hectic but the right way can provide you with lasting experience you will always remember. You should choose the essentials with care for a richer and immersive experience. Here are the tips that will help you in backpacking.
Choosing the destination:
The essential tips for you backpacking here is to choose the destination that is not too hard. If the hike is hard then you will feel miserable with your backpack. If it is easy then you will get some time to explore the area around the camp. You can consult with experienced backpackers for the trip location, you can always select the place that is close to your home, plan a shorter distance for the hike and with less elevation gain. Make sure that there is water near camps and it is recommended to choose summer weather so that you can enjoy maximum daylight hours.
The essential gear and clothing:
If you are on a tight budget then you can borrow the priciest gears while some things that have to be fit for you should be your own personal belongings. Since you are holding everything on your back, so you have to consider the weight of the objects. You can also split the essentials with your friend. A two-person tent will be economical as well as lightweight as compared to two single tents. Next, you need a backpack that fits you well, when you borrow it, fill it up with 30 pounds and test it out on a hike. Other essential gears that you need are sleeping bag, sleeping pad, stove, kitchen supplies and water treatment to purify the water in the wilds.
When it comes to clothing, there is no need to buy special hiking clothes. You only need clothes made of polyester or nylon as they are quick-drying and moisture-wicking fabrics. All you need can be described in layers:
The base layers should be of the long underwear, then comes the hiking layers that consist of nylon pants, t-shirts, sun shirt, and sun hat. Next are the insulations which have to be vests or jackets, fleece pullover, warm gloves or hat. Also, don’t forget to take a waterproof jacket that you can wear when it rains.
Meal plans:
You cannot forget the food, but you have to be wise with it. Look for all in one meal like rice entrees or packaged noodles. High calorie and energy protein bars or trail mix are good for the snacking. Also, do not take perishable items with you or the canned food as it adds weight to the backpack and keeps all the food away from the camp at night.
Start planning your backpacking trip now with us. Feel free to leave comment below to let us know any advice we can give more ?
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