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Bukit Kutu: The Ultimate Hiker’s Guide (Updated 2024)

Bukit Kutu, a 1,053-meter tall mountain in Selangor, Malaysia, offers an exhilarating hiking experience for outdoor enthusiasts. This comprehensive guide will prepare you for an unforgettable adventure on Bukit Kutu, covering everything from trail details to essential gear recommendations.

Bukit Kutu: Quick Facts

  • Location: Kuala Kubu Baru, Selangor, Malaysia
  • Starting Coordinates: 3.572510N, 101.738128E
  • Starting Elevation: 250m above sea level
  • Summit Elevation: 1,053m above sea level
  • Difficulty: Moderate to Challenging
  • Average Completion Time: 6-8 hours (3-4 hours up, 2-3 hours down)
  • Distance: Approximately 6km one-way

Getting to Bukit Kutu

From Kuala Lumpur, take the highway and exit at Rawang. Follow Route 1 north, then turn right onto Route 55 towards Kuala Kubu Baru (KKB). After passing the Sungai Selangor Dam, turn right at the sign for Kampung Pertak (GPS: 3.580738, 101.729399). Follow the small tarmac road until you reach the trailhead carpark.

Bukit Kutu, Kutu Hill, Mount Kutu, Bukit Kutu Kuala Kubu Baru, Kutu Height, Bukit Kutu Hiking Trails, PTT Outdoor, Affordable Outdoor Gears

Public Transport Option

Take the KTM train to Kuala Kubu Bharu station. From there, you’ll need to arrange transportation to the trailhead, about 11km east of KKB town.

Essential Gear for Your Bukit Kutu Hike

Proper preparation is crucial for a safe and enjoyable hike on Bukit Kutu. Here’s a list of must-have items:

  1. Hydration System: Carry at least 2-3 liters of water. The TAHAN TrailBladder 2L Water Bladder is perfect for this.
  2. Hiking Backpack: A comfortable pack like the TAHAN 30L Hiking Backpack is essential for carrying your gear.
  3. Hiking Poles: Improve stability on steep sections with the TAHAN 3-Section Foldable Hiking Stick V2.
  4. First Aid Kit: Be prepared for emergencies with a compact first aid kit.
  5. Snacks and Energy Bars: Pack high-energy snacks to fuel your Bukit Kutu adventure.
  6. Rain Protection: Weather can be unpredictable; bring the TAHAN Ultralight Rain Jacket.
  7. Extra Clothing: Pack a change of clothes and socks for after the hike.
  8. Headlamp: Essential for early starts or unexpected delays on Bukit Kutu, a good suggestion will be the TAHAN Ultrabeam Headlamp

The Bukit Kutu Trail: What to Expect

1. The Initial Approach (1.5km)

The trail begins with a 1.5km walk to the foot of Bukit Kutu. You’ll encounter three river crossings:

  • First river: Cross via a suspended bridge
  • Second river: Use caution on the partially submerged bridge
  • Third river: Wade through the water

Look for the yellow “Hutan Simpanan Kekal” sign, marking the start of the actual Bukit Kutu climb.

Bukit Kutu, Kutu Hill, Mount Kutu, Bukit Kutu Kuala Kubu Baru, Kutu Height, Bukit Kutu Hiking Trails, PTT Outdoor, Affordable Outdoor Gears

2. The Main Ascent (4.5km)

The climb to Bukit Kutu’s summit is challenging, with nine checkpoints (C1 to C9) along the way:

  • C1-C4: The steepest and most challenging part of Bukit Kutu
  • Between C4-C5: Look for the tall stone wall marking the halfway point
  • C5-C9: The trail becomes less steep but remains challenging

Bukit Kutu, Kutu Hill, Mount Kutu, Bukit Kutu Kuala Kubu Baru, Kutu Height, Bukit Kutu Hiking Trails, PTT Outdoor, Affordable Outdoor Gears

3. The Summit Area

As you near Bukit Kutu’s peak, you’ll encounter:

  • A distinctive chimney structure
  • The summit boulder, requiring a climb up four ladders
  • Ruins of an old colonial-era mansion

Bukit Kutu | A Hiker's Guide - Updated Sept 2022, PTT Outdoor, G0310722,

Descending Bukit Kutu

The descent takes about 2-3 hours. Take care on steep sections and slippery surfaces. Once you reach the river at the base, enjoy a refreshing dip to cool off after your Bukit Kutu adventure.

Safety Tips for Hiking Bukit Kutu

  • Inform someone of your Bukit Kutu hiking plans
  • Start early to avoid hiking Bukit Kutu in the dark
  • Bring more water than you think you’ll need
  • Watch for slippery surfaces, especially after rain
  • Respect the environment and practice Leave No Trace principles on Bukit Kutu


Bukit Kutu offers a challenging yet rewarding hiking experience for outdoor enthusiasts. With its diverse terrain, historical ruins, and stunning views, Bukit Kutu is a must-visit destination for hikers in Malaysia. Proper preparation and the right gear will ensure an unforgettable adventure on this beautiful mountain. Happy hiking on Bukit Kutu!

Last updated: [Current Month Year]

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149 thoughts on “Bukit Kutu | A Hiker’s Guide – Updated 2024

  1. Lucy Wong says:

    Hi Mike, may I know can I hike Bukit Kutu in this RMCO period? Do we need to apply for a permit ahead? We are planning to go on this Saturday.

  2. yanti says:

    Hi there… just wanna ask you, is it okay for kids to hiking Bkt Kutu as well? and if I’m from Seremban should I spend a nite somewhere near before hiking on the next morning? Thanks so much for your reply.

  3. Norsyafikah nasir says:

    Hi mike!
    Im going there in a week. So thing is, i have TERRIBLE fear of heights. Is it compulsory to climb up the stairs to the boulders?

  4. Muaz says:

    Hi mike, is’t suitable if I bring one group with 35-40 people to climb up Bukit Kutu? and at the top of this hill, is there any open space for us to do some activity?

    • mike@outdoor says:

      Back when I hiked, we didnt need permit so I’m not really sure but I think Jabatan Perhutanan Selangor should be the one covering it.

      – Mike

  5. John says:

    Just hiked Bukit Kutu last weekend, unfortunately only managed to reach the summit (near the chimney area) as it was raining so we didn’t climb on the rocks as it was deemed too risky. Didn’t even go to the old mansion ruined. Nevertheless, it was a worthwhile hike and am looking forward to complete this in the near future.


    Hello mike…my brother is going this weekend…he wants to know..is it safe to park his motorcycle at the parking space? Ader org Jaga vehicle kita tak?

  7. nana says:

    Hye …How much if we want u to guide us at there? and how many people that can go up there? what time for go hiking up there ?

  8. Alexius says:

    Great and doable hike, Did it for the first time with a small group on Friday last week. Met two other small groups. Weather was perfect

  9. Steven says:

    Very informative post for Bukit Kutu first-timer. I hiked Bukit Kutu with a few close friends over the weekend. It was our first time there. We took about three hours to reach the top and two hours to descend back to our car.

    Overall not very tough unless one is a complete couch/desk potato. Good weather helped too. It was partly cloudy and quite windy as we were near the top. Plenty of visitors on weekend morning and plenty of markers along the trail make the hike easier and more enjoyable.

    Great view of the dam from the top of hill and as we dipped in the cool refreshing river water on the way down. Thanks for the tips provided in the post above.

  10. Pearl says:

    Hi Mike ,

    Im planning to go there this Sunday with a few friends. One of my friend is quite big size, do you the route and the track is okay for her?

  11. AJ says:

    Hi mike,

    Very interesting article and helpful information on your bukit kutu journey and the reader’s comments as well. Btw, is the route suitable for the children of age 9th and 12th years old? I am planning to bring my 2 boys together with me.

  12. Zalel says:

    Yo mike..nice share bro..been to the waterfalls many times before this,n this weekend we r planning for a hike to the top..going with a goup of 8..n some have experienced b4 to the top..when was ur last hike to bukit kutu?n mike,do we need to get any sorts of permits to hike there??

    • Mike Chu says:

      For bukit kutu, you don’t need any permit. Just go on. My last time was…. last year I think. Been quite a while. Should head there again to stretch my muscle.

      – Mike

  13. Nadirah says:

    Thanks mike for the review. Plan to hike bukit kutu with housemate this saturday and we prefer to follow other group. do you know any group that going to hike this weekend?

    • Mike Chu says:

      That’s I’m not really sure but there will be a lot of people there. Just say hi and tag along. Hikers in Malaysia are real friendly guys.

      – Mike Chu

  14. Akash says:

    Really looking forward to this hike! I’m just waiting for my exams to be over XD. Thank you sir, for sharing this amazing place with us.

  15. Dennis says:

    OMG… this comments section reads like a convention of old women doing everything possible to avoid enjoying themselves and challenging their common sense. As with so much travel the goal is not so much the destination but the journey. If you are going with a large group of people, one might as well be a zombie for what you will learn and what you will gain from the journey. Getting lost is part of the journey and you will learn more by getting lost than you will by mindlessly following a guide.. or the person in front of you in a group of 20. As Nike says… Just Do It !.. Be alert and use your common sense and leave your fears at home. BTW, the ultimate answer to the leech problem….panty hose the sort of heavy duty ones your granny would wear to the mosque. Bullet proof and you can see the varmints if they get too far up your leg. Knee length ones are the best choice. Everyone will laugh at you but you will be the only one not itching yourself crazy all night. For added protection spray your shoes with Mosi-guard, all natural ingredients, expensive, but works like a charm… even after getting wet. The tiger leeches you will have to deal with yourself

    • Mike Chu says:

      Thanks for the comment. Well, I don’t blame some people for wanting to know more and having the fear of getting lost. Not everyone is the same and it’s fine if they ask. It’s better safe than sorry. But thank you as well for the tip.

      – Mike

  16. Shaiful says:

    Hi Mike,

    Thanks for you experience sharing.
    What do you think if I (actually 3 of us) to start hiking in the early morning…let say about 4-5 a.m.
    Thinking to see the sunrise on the top.

    • Mike Chu says:

      That would be possible. But make sure you don’t injure yourself in the dark. If you are experienced enough, then go for it!

      – Mike

  17. Amarjeet Kaur says:

    Hey Mike,

    I am planning to go Kutu hill on 1/5/16…with frens and family..probably 6of us..
    My first time there ,, I would appreciate any good information that will be helpful…
    I want to have a fun hike without getting lost…especially getting there and path to follow…

    I am from Seremban …friends from KL…

    • Mike Chu says:

      Hey there!

      Don’t worry, you won’t get lost if you follow the trails and signs correctly. Printscreen my article and keep it in your phone. Follow along and make sure the picture matches and you will be fine. 🙂 I believe my guide is very clear for a good day of hiking.

      – Mike

  18. Suraya says:

    Hi Mike. Thanks for your excellent guide and write up. I’m actually planning to join a group of hikers to Bukit Kutu some times this month end. However, as I’m really new to hiking, I’m quite worried that I can’t cope with them..I do jog as much as I can maybe 3 times a week
    My concerns
    – it’s suitable for beginners to hike here ( noticed you’ve answered this earlier, but just want to check again..haha )
    – I’m actually afraid of heights, but that shouldn’t stop me from hiking here right? I actually enjoy hiking and all the wonderful natures..
    – any tips to get stamina before hiking

    Thanks so much in advance. Really enjoy your useful tips and blog

    • Mike Chu says:

      Hey Suraya!

      Thanks for getting in touch. Glad you found my write-up helpful.

      Well, first of all, if you can’t cope with them, then go at your own pace. It’s hiking, not sprinting. As long as you reach the top, that’s all.

      And to address to your concerns:
      – Yeap, it is. It’s perfect for beginners.
      – Of course not. You are not jumping off the hill, just hiking it. If you are afraid, don’t climb on the stones. 🙂
      – Yeap, go walk up the stairs of a tall building and when you start breathing hard, keep walking a while more. When you feel you have reached your limits, go a few more steps then stop. 🙂

      – Mike

  19. :D says:

    Hi Mike, can I check if you have any recommendations for any homestay/hostels near Bukit Kutu? Probably in the Kuala Kubu Baru area. Thanks in advance!

    • Mike Chu says:

      Hey there!

      I did a quick google for Hotels in Kuala Kubu Bharu and I found a few decent ones. Maybe you can do the same and check what triggers your fancy. 🙂

      – Mike

    • Mike Chu says:

      Well, it’s a real big group and everything will be delayed. That’s the truth. Plus, it’s hard to control such a big group.

      – Mike

    • Mike Chu says:

      Make sure you bring extra battery for your headlights and in fact, bring an extra headlight. Other than that, just watch where you are stepping and you’ll be fine.

      – Mike

    • Mike Chu says:

      Hi there!

      Well, to be honest, it is dangerous. There are no railings to hold you. The surface area is minimal and you really got to watch your steps. Tips wise, if you are afraid of height, don’t. If you are rushy, don’t. If you are unsure, go on all four. That would keep you safe up there.

      – Mike

  20. Shikin says:

    Hi mike,
    Just came back fr bkt kutu hiking today. Went there with our 5kids. Very gud hike and we really enjoyed it especially the last dip in the river. Btw, just to say that you hv gud info in here in your blog. We read it togetger with other comments several times before today. Thanks.

    • Mike Chu says:

      Hello Shikin!

      How was the peak? Pretty amazing right? Well, I do what I can to provide what I can. I really hope it helped your hike. 🙂

      – Mike

  21. Fina says:

    Hey, was wondering if it’s okay for all girls(3 of us) hiking to Bukit kutu? Since we are all girls, I’m a bit worried.

    • Mike Chu says:

      It should be fine considering the amount of people there. Just keep a close eye on the signages and always be careful. 🙂

      – Mike

  22. Justin w says:

    Hi Mike,
    I’m planning to hike on bkt kutu before CNY with a group of 4. I would like to ask is it possible to get lost if i get to the wrong track? and how and how long it takes to arrive the waterfall? we are planning to camp at the chimney spot so may I have your guidance and advises as this is our first time hiking bukit kutu? Thanks 😀


    • Mike Chu says:

      Hello Justin,

      First of all, yes, it is possible to get lost. It’s a forest after all but just be alert, follow my guide and there will be markers along the way as well. If you are planning to camp at the chimney, waterfall would be a very different destination. I’m not really sure about the waterfall though but I know it takes roughly 3 hours to reach the chimney. Drop me an email at mike@yellowtuktuk.com if you need more information. I’ll be more than happy to assist.

      – Mike

    • Mike Chu says:

      Hey Jay,

      I have been there several times and I consider myself lucky. I could say its safe and I could say its not but being Malaysian, just do the wise thing, don’t leave valuables in clear view and park as close as possible to the entrance. Hope it helps.

      – Mike

    • Mike Chu says:

      Hey there!

      Nope, there is no fee needed to hike Bukit Kutu. It’s free! Please keep the place clean. There have been people who are littering around the place and personally, without lacing my language, I am going to say that they are really stupid uneducated chumps who shouldn’t be hiking at all.

      – Mike

  23. esther chong says:

    dear Sir,
    1st we cross the steel bridge keep right go straight until we meet river crossing, go straight all the way up is there any turning before reaching the summit attack. May I need your advise please. hear from you soon.
    thank you.

    hiker adventure

  24. Arvind says:

    Hi Mike!

    I’m planning to hike end of this year but all alone 🙁 am just a bit worried. Would it be safe if I’m alone? If I go on a weekday, would there be people?

    • Mike Chu says:

      Hey there!

      There can be never a right or wrong answer for this question is there? But if you are worried, which means you are not confident. I would suggest getting a partner or two. If not, get a guide. You can contact me if you need a guide.

      Weekend will have more people for sure. I would suggest weekend, in case, you get lost. 🙂 I have friends which are guiding and providing transport from KL itself. Let me know if you are itnerested. My email is mike@yellowtuktuk.com

      – Mike

  25. Alex Lim says:

    Did not manage to go, try to source for guide service but no available date…Any bros here going in the future, kindly do let me know.

    Thanks alot.

  26. KG Runner says:

    Thanks for your offer to assist us on route at bukit kutu.

    Definitely will go again to revenge my failure trip.

    But the lost part very beautiful route with water fall.

    Some friends which is didnt follow my trip asking to there again.

    Mind to share ur email address with me.


  27. KG Runner says:

    I went to Bukit Kutu yesterday and not familiar with route.

    I dont come across to ur blog and read ur guide.

    I did big mistakes big follow left route route on 1st hour.

    Along the way on left side I can see river, walk towards at the end is water fall.

    I still keep going further and follow the route.

    I thought was on correct track, until I hit very thick jungle and no more track to go.

    I was bring few friends also unfamiliar with such area.

    We was starting at 10am until 3pm still havent reach to the top. After stop at some place at no where, we decide to make U turn and going back.

    On the way go down, we lost the track.
    Everyone panicking and worry of lost.
    We keep follow the river ans hit big rock and someone’s falling down.

    Luckily at last after hit bush, bamboo and sharp thorn we manage to back on track.
    Everyone thank to God and feel better.

    By that time already 5pm and start raining.
    Very hard to walk on slippery surface, few friends keep falling down.

    Some start to get injured and walk in pain.
    After walking another 2 hour plus we reach to broken bridge.

    Big lessons to US yesterday.

    • Mike Chu says:

      I am SO sorry to hear about that. I wish you would have found my blog sooner. It could be confusing especially at the junction. I hope everyone is okay and the injury will heal eventually. Please let me know if you are going again. I will join and lead the team up.

      – Mike

      • esther chong says:

        Dear Mike chu
        i’m planning to go to Bkt Kutu, I and my group also get lost in the jungle cannot reach to the summit. can you assist and join us for my bkt kutu trekking. ok with you.
        from esther sometimes early January 2016 prepare for coming hiking trip to INdo 2016 later.

        hear from you.

        Thank you.


    • Mike Chu says:

      Funny thing is, I just came back from Kutu last weekend and during the descent, it was raining heavily! If you want a direct answer, I would say no. It gets very slippery, very dark and the current of the two river that you would be crossing gets really strong. We had to hold hands to cross to make sure everyone is okay. So, no. Pick a better day. Besides, you want the view at the top. Rainy days = no view. 🙂

      Hope that helps.

      – Mike

    • Mike Chu says:

      To be on the safe side, I would suggest for you to start hiking by 3am if you are fast. Make sure you bring your headlight or torchlight. Night hike is for experienced people, so please please be careful. Alternatively, you can stay a night up there and wait for the sunrise. The campsite there is nice and there is water in the well (perigi).

      – Mike

    • Mike Chu says:

      Yes but that is on another route. The waterfall takes on the left side at the beginning of the route. Perfect place for a weekend retreat if you ask me.

      – Mike

    • Mike Chu says:

      Awesome!I’m sure you will have a jolly good time! No, it wasn’t crowded at all. There was about 15 people on the top but that’s a fairly small amount actually.

      – Mike

  28. Jas says:

    I’m planning to hike Bukit Kutu someday. I’m just a beginner and my stamina is not really good. My weight is 90kg with 170cm tall, is it possible to reach the summit within 4 hours?

  29. bellezack says:

    Thanks for the info! Me and a small group of girls gonna climb kutu this weekend and i hope everything’s gonna be just fine. Gotta take your tips for guidance tho!

  30. Tengku Iskhandar Dzulkarnain says:

    Hello there Mike! Very helpful article! Thank you.

    Would like to ask, do hikers need to report/register to the local authorities befor going up?

    • Mike Chu says:

      Hello there!

      Thank you for reading our guide! I’m glad we could be of help.

      Reporting to the local authorities is optional but we would recommend it since it doesn’t take too much of your time. Optionally, please always remember to tell your family and friends on your hiking dates and time. That way, they would know if something goes wrong and finding you would be easier. That is to ensure that you are well prepared for unpredictables.

      – Mike

  31. Adib Ibrahim says:

    Hi, im gonna hike bukit kutu tomorrow, this will be my first time hiking at bukit kutu, since i dont have anyone experience with me go along to hike at bukit kutu so is it possible when i go there tomorrow i can meet up other hikers also at there and follow them? is it always got ppl hiking during weekend?

    • Mike Chu says:

      Hey there! There will be a lot of people to join during the weekend so be friendly and tag along! Hikers are a friendly bunch and they always welcome new friends. 🙂 Have fun tomorrow! You will like it!

      – Mike

    • Mike Chu says:

      The nearest toilet that I remember is at the entrance of the Orang Asli Settlement where if I am not mistaken, there is a public toilet there and a small grocery store operated by the community there as well. You can camp at the foot near the streams or at the top near the chimney.

      – Mike

    • Mike Chu says:

      We started around 9am and we took our own sweet time with the hike. We reached our car at around 3.30pm.

      Don’t rush it. 🙂

      – Mike

    • Mike Chu says:

      Hello! Do you mean what is the essential number of people in a group? Well, I have seen groups as big as 20 people going up, so it depends on how fast you want to go.

      – Mike

  32. Mary Grace Tagapan says:

    Hello there Mike! Really nice post here. Part of me wants to follow this guide DIY but a part of me (the paranoid part) also wants to hire a guide. Do you happen to know a guide? We’re foreigners and I think it would be better to have a guide.

    • Mike Chu says:

      Hello there Mary! Oh yea I would totally understand and of course, having a guide would be a smart choice. I have someone close to me which I can totally recommend on guiding you up. Drop me an email and I’ll send over the contact personally. Here we go: mike@yellowtuktuk.com

      – Mike Chu

      • Tahera says:

        Hi Mike, I’m intending to hike there as well but with a guide. Can I also email you to get the guide’s contact details please? Thank you.


  33. Farhana says:

    Hi Mike, would there be signs or directions along the track all the way to the top so hikers won’t get lost?

    • Mike Chu says:

      Heya Farhana!

      There won’t be proper signs but there are some signs sprayed on the stone when you are reaching the top. You will see it, a good example would be CP8 (Checkpoint 8). You won’t get lost in the trail as long as you follow my guide and remember, always walk the path with no grass. That is the path commonly used and would be the correct route. 🙂 Please feel free to ask if you need any further info.

      – Mike

    • Mike Chu says:

      Hey there! Nope, do not worry about leeches. During our hike, there was no leech at all. But just in case, minyak angin cap kapak wouldn’t be too heavy. Keep one in your bag. 🙂

      Are you going in a group?


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