Category Archives: Sabah

徒步 Kota Kinabalu 必须携带的 8 件物品

徒步 Kota Kinabalu 必须携带的 8 件物品 Kota Kinabalu 海拔 4095 米,高耸入云,是马来西亚最高的山峰,也是该地区首屈一指的徒步挑战之一。虽然登顶 Kota Kinabalu 不需要任何登山技术,但攀登这座花岗岩山峰仍然是一项艰巨的探险,需要做好充分的准备。

8 Things You Must Bring To Hike Mount Kinabalu

8 Things You Must Bring To Hike Mount Kinabalu Rising 4,095 meters into mist-veiled skies,

Maliau Basin | 2023 Hikers Guide To The Lost World Of Sabah

Overview of Maliau Basin Maliau Basin, also famously known as the lost world of Sabah,


Best 7 Hiking Trails in Sabah Any Hiking Junkie Would Enjoy

Are you from Sabah? Cuz I tak Sabah want to see you! While the pickup

The No.1 Ultimate Hikers Guide To Climb Mount Kinabalu

The Ultimate Hikers Guide To Climbing Mount Kinabalu “Because it is there,” was the eloquent

6 Must Have Items For Your Kinabalu Hike

Finally, you took the jump and signed up for that hike to Kinabalu, Malaysia’s tallest